Vitae 2025
The new roadmap to support Vitae’s strategic vision to 2025 is an exciting direction that builds on the championing of research culture and global collaboration.
Evolved over two years of planning, Vitae 2025 encompasses learnings from Vitae international member forums that identified community challenges and priorities and analysis of Vitae’s global ‘Researcher development strategy, provision and profession survey’. The survey findings have shed light on international researcher development conditions, policies and practices, that enable evidence-based decisions about current and future researcher development within institutions and beyond.
Vitae 2025 priorities include:
redefining what makes a successful researcher
championing a healthy research culture and environment
promoting the value of researchers
What does this mean in practice? Vitae will:
- Enhance our focus on supporting a healthy research culture and environment, including a new research culture programme for global and UK member institutions
- Increase our activities around the recognition and support of researcher developers following the launch of an enhanced Vitae membership
- Further development of the Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF) through partnerships and projects in the UK and internationally, exploring and developing the RDF for specific contexts
Vitae 2025 takes into account recent evidence demonstrating the multi-faceted remit of the contemporary researcher developer and the value and impact that researcher development professionals can have on researchers and institutions. We believe that support for effective researcher development is a cornerstone in developing a positive and healthy research culture that will allow institutions worldwide to realise the potential of their researchers
To find out more about how Vitae can support your institutional research ambitions, contact:
For more information on Vitae’s Research Culture Programme, contact