How to join as a Vitae member
For organisations who train or employ researchers, including doctoral students, postdoctoral fellows and research staff we offer organisational membership which enables your researchers and relevant staff to access Vitae resources, news, policy intelligence, events and member benefits including dedicated web content.
Organisational membership costs are based on the number of doctoral and early career researchers at the organisation. An annual membership subscription is in the region of £1000 - £6000. There is also a one-off joining fee for institutions outside the UK, which covers the license to use Vitae resources and programmes.
Affiliate membership is for organisations who do not employ researchers to conduct research but who have an interest in researcher development policy, strategy, funding, and careers, such as research funding bodies.
Individual researchers or professional development staff enjoy membership benefits if their organisation is a Vitae member. You can check whether your organisation has membership on our list of subscribers. For access to full member benefits through our website, register. Please use your organisational email address so that we can recognise you.
Researchers can buy an individual subscription to our online professional development app the RDF Planner. Before subscribing check whether your organisation offers it for free!