Every Researcher Counts: equality and diversity in researcher careers

Vitae member content iconDedicated resources, case studies and briefings to improve understanding of equality and diversity issues amongst those who support and manage researchers in higher education institutions.

Getting involved in Every Researcher Counts

Getting involved in Every Researcher Counts

Every Researcher Counts training materials

Every Researcher Counts training materials

A series of short flexible resources that can incorporate equality and diversity into training programmes or sessions for managers of researchers.

Every Researcher Counts project background

Every Researcher Counts project background

Information about the Every Researcher Counts project to support understanding of equality and diversity issues amongst those who manage and work with researchers in higher education institutions.

Every Researcher Counts institutional case studies

Every Researcher Counts institutional case studies

Equality and diversity case studies demonstrating practice in specific institutions and practical examples examining specific issues and support techniques.

Resources and support for disabled researchers

Resources and support for disabled researchers

Practical advice for researchers with disabilities and those who support them as well as career management information under revision

Read Qualitative research on barriers to progression for disabled scientists