Networks for PIs

Networks are really important: many successful researchers see them as key to effective working.

These are the sort of things that people say about their networks:

  • they keep you informed - of interesting developments, forthcoming opportunities, good practice, etc.
  • they save you time - you don't need to reinvent wheels, you can learn how other people have done things
  • they provide support - and we all need this from time to time from like-minded folk
  • they help you with your career - in all sorts of ways.

It's helpful to map your networks to see if there are any gaps. Here's a framework that may be helpful:

Networks for principal investigators


Use this framework - you may want to adapt it to suit your particular needs, to help you to assess the state of health of your networks.

Then consider what you could do to strengthen your networks.

You might also consider the different stakeholders in your project; should you be effectively networking with more of them?