Open researcher: resources for researcher developers

Supporting researchers to build skills in new and developing areas can be challenging.

Pointing researchers to our pages in this section could help them to consider which skills are important for the open researcher and how open research can benefit their career.

Your feedback please! the highlighted areas on the Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF) image on our open researcher skills page are our first draft for an open research lens on the RDF. We’d love to hear your thoughts on whether we’ve chosen the right areas of knowledge, behaviours and skill for this lens. Join the discussion on the Vitae Member Community on this discussion thread.

Other RDF lenses with relevance to open research:The Vitae Researcher Development Framework wheel. Some areas of knowledge and skill most relevant to open research are highlighted.

Here are a few links we think you might also find useful:

To discuss issues around supporting researchers to be successful in an open research environment, attend our CPD Event for researcher developers: Connections: Supporting open researchers, 1 December 2015. Leeds, UK.

You might also want to follow our live Twitter chat open doors in your career through open research #vitaechat