Research governance and organisation

Explore the knowledge and skills you bring to research governance and organisation. Links to related advice and resources in this section and similar content from around the site.

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Supporting researchers' professional development?

From our selection of training sessions to use with researchers:

Objective setting facilitator guide and presentation

Managing meetings

Planning to manage your time

Effective researcher: getting started introduces a framework for successful self-management

Effective researcher: how to be an effective researcher builds confidence in communication, planning, time management, problem solving, leadership and assertiveness

Vitae members can find more off-the-shelf sessions in our library of resources

More for researchers
Also on the site

More for researchers

From our section on pursuing an academic career:

Advice on finding research funding

Writing a statement of academic research interest

From our section for aspiring PIs:

The research environment

Manage your career as effectively as you manage your research. Try our online professional development planning course and our planning app, the RDF Planner

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Browse our collections by type of resource, across all topics.

Quick Tips for researchers: bitesize advice

Professional development advice sheets: covers all 63 professional development areas from the Vitae Researcher Development Framework

Action and evidence examples: inspiration when you want to set actions for professional development or demonstrate your progress