Mentoring or coaching: submit a case study or article
We invite you to submit case studies or short articles relating to mentoring or coaching for publication on our website.
We’d like to offer you the opportunity to raise your online profile and/or showcase your organisation’s expertise by submitting an article either on behalf of your institution or department, or by giving a personal perspective. Articles meeting our criteria will be published in our online Member Community and a selection will be published on our website, and promoted via our social media channels and international network.
Please contact us with any questions.
Submit an article
Criteria for submissions
- Case studies or articles can be up to 700 words in length
- Case studies should either describe your organisation’s practice in or plans for supporting mentoring or coaching for researchersor your individual experiences of mentoring or coaching as a researcher or coach/mentor of researchers. Please submit a case study using the online form below
- Free-style articles might address any aspect of mentoring or coaching for or by researchers. They could share institutional or personal perspectives or be written as a discussion piece. Please submit an article using the online form below
- Articles should be of interest to researchers, to individuals who support researchers to develop as professionals or to research institutions and other organisations with a stake in researchers’ development
- Authors may submit an image to accompany the article
- Articles may be edited for length, style and content, with the author’s approval of the final version before publication
- By submitting a case study or article you confirm that you have the necessary permissions to share the information contained. Articles will be published under a CC-BY Creative Commons Licence (
Articles meeting the above criteria will be published in the online Vitae Community, or on the Vitae website with a teaser visible publicly and the full article available to members. A selection of articles may later be published publicly.