Local research staff associations

In 2012 there were over 50 local research staff associations at institutions in the UK

All known associations with an online presence are listed here, organised by region, institution and discipline, as appropriate. Please to tell us about any research staff associations not mentioned here.

East of England

Institute of Food Research
University of Cambridge

MRC LMB and CPE Postdoc Association web pages and online community
Around 120 postdocs work at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB) and Centre for Protein Engineering (CPE). Within this community, more than 20 nationalites work, pipette, type - and sometimes drink beer - under the same roof.

Postdocs Of Cambridge (PdOC) is the Cambridge University Society for postdoctoral research staff and Junior Research Fellows. PdOC represents postdocs in career development, contract research conditions, college affiliation, and social and sporting issues. All Cambridge postdocs are welcome to join, and there is no membership fee.


Academics Anonymous
A new, national peer support group for academics that meets in London.

Imperial College London

Organisational and Staff Development Postdoc Development Centre

Institute of Cancer Research

Postdoc Association

King’s College London

James Black Centre Postdoc Forum

Guy's Researchers Society - GRS
GRS is a new Society run by a committee of post-docs from various departments based on Guy's campus of King's.

Social, Genetic, Developmental Psychiatry Centre Postdoc Forum 
The aim of the Social, Genetic, Developmental Psychiatry Centre (SGDP) Postdoc Forum is to foster communication between postdoctoral researchers and provide support, networking and training opportunities that will facilitate career development, and contribute to the strength of the centre.

Royal Veterinary College

Early Career Researchers
This site is only available to individuals that are able to access the RVC intranet.


University of Birmingham

Postdoctoral Training and Career Development Committee

University of Leicester

Genetics Postdoc Group

Loughborough University

Research Staff Forum

University of Nottingham

Engineering Research Staff Group - ERSG

Life Sciences Researchers’ Network

Research-Only Staff Group

University of Warwick

Biological Sciences Postdoc Forum
A source of information for postdoctoral researchers in the Department of Biological Sciences. Most content here will be posted by the members of the Postdoctoral Committee but the blog is open to entries from others in the department.

Research staff Forum 
A University Forum for Research Staff has been established to serve a general networking function and to provide a focus for gathering Research Staff views on issues such as induction, training and development opportunities etc.

North West

Lancaster University

School of Health and Medicine Researcher Career Development Group - RCaD
RCaD is a group of researchers from across the School of Health & Medicine who share the goal of developing their research careers. The group meets informally every six to eight weeks.

University of Manchester

University of Manchester Research Staff Association
The University of Manchester Research Staff Association was formed in 2011 to support and represent research staff from all faculties at the University of Manchester. It is run by researchers on a voluntary basis and all are welcome to attend our informal meetings and socials or to become more involved in running the RSA.

Scotland and Northern Ireland

Queen's University Belfast

Postdoc Society of the School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences

Postdoc Society of the School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

The Society for Contract Researchers & Postdoctoral Staff

University of Aberdeen

Early-Career Biology Researchers Association

University of Dundee

College of Life Sciences Postdoc Association - CLSPA
The College of Life Sciences Postdoc Association was established at the University of Dundee in 2005, and was one of the first organizations in the UK to be established for the benefit of research staff.

College of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing Post-doc and Research Staff Association.
The College of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing Post-doctoral Association is an alliance of post-docs and research staff from within the College.

University of Edinburgh

PODS is a network of postdocs and other interested researchers across the new Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine in Edinburgh.

Social & Political Studies Research Staff Society - PReFs
The Society includes all Postdoctoral and Research Fellows in SSPS. Postdoctoral and Research fellows in other social science areas are also welcome to attend. It meets formally on average once a semester, and has formal representation on the School's Research and Research Ethics Committee. Its members also meet informally on a regular basis.

Little France Postdoctoral Society
The Queen's Medical Research Institute has an active postdoctoral society, organising training and social events.

School of Geosciences Research Staff Organisation
Research Staff Organisation is a network of postdocs and other interested researchers across the School of GeoSciences.

School of Engineering Research Staff - SERS

Central Area Postdoctoral Society - CAPS

School of Chemistry Research Staff Society.

Physics Research Staff Society.

School of Biological Sciences – BioDocSoc

Informatics Research Staff Society

Easter Bush Research Consortium Post Doc Society - EBRC

University of Strathclyde

Strathclyde Energy Researchers Network - SERN

South East

University of Oxford

Research Staff Society
The Oxford University Research Staff Society (OURSS) is a society section affilated to the Oxford University Club that caters to the needs of research staff (i.e. postdocs). Our membership consists of over 300 contract researchers from over 50 different departments who work for the University of Oxford. As well as running social events, one of our important roles is to act as a support group to contractual research staff employed by the University of Oxford and to raise awareness of general issues concerning contract research staff.

University of Reading

Research Staff Committee

University of Southampton

School of Biological Sciences Postdoc Society
The School of Biological Sciences PostDoc Society was set up to address and meet the needs of all contract research staff in the school.

School of Medicine Postdoc Association.
The association was set up to improve the profile and career development of all postdoctoral research staff within the School of Medicine.

South West and Wales

University of Bath

Research Staff Working Group

University of Bristol

Research Staff Representatives

Bristol Research Staff Networking.
Networking allows you to share your experiences and ideas with others, helps combat isolation by helping you making new contacts and results in increased confidence and self-esteem.

University of the West of England

The UWE Researchers' Forum

Yorkshire and North East

University of Leeds

LIHS Early Career Network
The Network offers active peer support for early career researchers and academics as well as providing a formal link to Senior Management.

Faculty of Biological Sciences Continuing Professional Development for Postdocs

Newcastle University

Newcastle Researchers Network
A friendly network of postdocs and PhD students in Newcastle upon Tyne who want to expand their career prospects.

University of Sheffield

Biomedical Science Postdoctoral Society

Environment Division Postdoc Society
The aim is to provide specialist support to the postdoctoral research community in the area of preparing applications for research funding, with a particular emphasis on research fellowships.

Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health

Medical School Post-Doctoral Society

Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Postdoctoral Society - MBB.
The society committee holds monthly meetings which any post doc or contract research staff member in the department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology is welcome to attend.

Physics And Astronomy Postdoc Society

University of York

Postdoctoral Biology