Supervising a doctorate
Advice and guidance - particularly useful if you are new to supervising doctoral candidates or wish to re-visit your roles and responsibilities.
Supervision requires you to be a combination of guide, mentor, information-source, coach and inspiration. In return, you will see your doctoral candidates grow into competent researchers and develop as individuals.
Supporting researchers in the early stages of their doctorate
Setting up and achieving a constructive supervisory relationship.
Establishing the supervisory relationship
Creating a positive supervisory relationship
Encouraging researchers to do personal development planning (PDP)
Supporting doctoral researchers as they progress
Helping doctoral researchers to maintain momentum and progress.
Supporting candidates as they progress through their doctorate
Keeping researchers on track, including time management
Supporting researchers during the final stages of their doctorate
Achieving successful and timely completion, looking forward.
Supporting candidates during the final stages of doctorate
Supporting doctoral researchers to write their thesis
Every Researcher Counts
Ensuring that all doctoral researchers are well supported in their doctoral programme.
Supporting doctoral researchers with disabilities - under revision
Providing careers advice to doctoral researchers
Doctoral degree policies and initiatives
Common aims for doctoral programmes in Europe
The doctorate worldwide
QAA Quality Code for Higher Education - Chapter B11: Research degrees.
UK Researcher development initiatives