#VitaeChat - Adapting to the new normal: working from home as a researcher developer

Are you a researcher developer working from home? 

Work from home

This #vitaechat helps answer questions on how to manage your working day and environment, including the opportunity to discuss remote delivery options and resources, strategies for maintaining wellbeing, and offering a virtual ‘cup of tea and a chat’ to all.

Our panellists include Dr Katie Wheat, Head of Engagement and Policy at Vitae and Dr Rachel Handforth, CRAC Research and Evaluation Project Manager who both currently work 144 miles and 134 miles respectively from the main Vitae office in Cambridge and who will share their experiences of being regular remote workers.

The chat will be facilitated by Rachel Cox, Engagement and Policy Project Manager at Vitae, who is in week 1 of adapting to life as a homeworker.

Look out for further panellist announcements.

Follow the conversation via Twitter using hashtag #vitae20 on Thursday 26 March 2020 from Midday until 1pm to find out more. If you have a Twitter account feel free to join the live conversation with questions and to share your working from home experiences.

What is a Twitter chat and how do I participate?

A Twitter chat is a live discussion on a set day and time, usually facilitated by a designated person, around a particular topic. If you have never used Twitter or taken part in a Twitter chat before, there are a lot of helpful guides around (e.g. 10 Commandments for Twitter and Using Twitter in university research, teaching and impact activities)

How do I join in?

  1. Log in to Twitter (you will need a Twitter account) at 12pm (UK time) on Thursday 26 March 2020
  2. Search for the hashtag #vitaechat on Twitter and select the “Latest” tab
  3. Follow @vitae_news
  4. Our #vitaechat moderator (Rachel Cox, Engagement and Policy Project Manager Vitae) will post a series of discussion questions from @RachelVitae1
  5. Tweet your replies to the discussion questions and add your thoughts around the topic
  6. Don’t forget to add the hashtag #vitaechat to each of your tweets so that it shows up in the discussion stream

Why should I join?

Twitter chats are an open discussion, allowing participants from around the globe to meet and chat in real time around a shared interest. They are often fast-paced and exciting, with lots of different conversations happening simultaneously.

Benefits of joining a Twitter chat include the opportunity to

  • broaden your network outside of your usual circles
  • find out more about a new topic
  • be exposed to different perspectives on a familiar topic
  • offer advice, share your expertise, and contribute to a pool of knowledge.