Getting the most out of your CEDARS data


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A Vitae member event


The Culture, Employment and Development in Academic Research Survey (CEDARS) ran for a second time in 2021 with 48 institutions taking part across the UK, capturing the views of over 12,500 researchers.

We invite members to come together for this event looking at how the data from CEDARS can be analysed and the ways in which it might be applied, using case study examples at the national and institutional level.

CEDARS was developed in 2019 by sector working groups following the publication of the new Researcher Development Concordat. It integrates questions from the long-running Careers in Research Online Survey (CROS) and Principal Investigators & Research Leaders Survey (PIRLS), which CEDARS replaces. The survey questions reflect the Principles of the revised Concordat, incorporating the environment, culture, professional development and employment of research staff and the experiences of their managers.


This event aims to support members who are in the process of analysing their institutional CEDARS data, learning from analysis of the national data set and institutional examples. It will include opportunities for peer to peer learning, sharing of advice and highlighting areas of good practice.

About you

This Vitae member event is intended for professional staff who were involved in running  CEDARS at their institution and are considering how to analyse, evaluate and use the data from their survey results.

More information on CEDARS: