Researcher Development Concordat thematic sessions


A Vitae member event 


Join us for the following thematic sessions aimed at helping all those with a stake in researcher development to embed the Researcher Development Concordat principles into institutional practice 

Over 100 institutions in the UK are signatories of the 2019 'Concordat to Support the Career Development for Researchers' with the vast majority of these amongst the 93 institutions that hold the HR Excellence in Research Award. Through both processes, UK universities have already made significant progress in enriching the culture, employment conditions and development opportunities researchers can expect. 

The 'Concordat' encompasses a broad range of obligations that cross over various issues and priorities, and require the combined effort of different stakeholder groups. To meet this broad and intersectional implementation of the Concordat, Vitae is pleased to announce the start of a monthly series of online 'thematic sessions' aimed at tackling well-known challenges. 

Each session lasts 90 minutes, and will include a mix of presentations, panel discussions and group work. 

As a result of attending, participants will: 

  • Gain a clearer understanding of how to improve Concordat action planning 
  • Further understand how to support researchers in meeting their Concordat obligations 
  • Explore ways to tackle researcher precarity 

Session 2, Tuesday 28th February 2023, 14.00-15.30 GMT 

Supporting managers of researchers in meeting their obligations 

Develop your strategy for enabling managers of researchers in their support of researchers, with specific focus on Concordat obligations aimed at the 'managers of researchers' stakeholder group. Learn from other institutions on how they reach, empower and equip managers of researchers, and what 'quick-win' activities can still bring about change . 

View the recording from the event & Janet Metcalfe's presentation slides

Read the event summary 

Session 3, Wednesday 23rd March 2023, 09:30-11:00 GMT

The Employment principle: delivering stable and sustainable academic careers 

Discover how to address the Concordat's challenging 'employment' principle, working to provide fair and stable employment conditions to sustain academic careers (as one career destination for researchers). Learn from different examples from practice in enhancing researcher job security, including which colleagues and partners can act as 'change makers'. 

View the recording from the event & The Concordat Thematic session Employment principle slide deck

Read the event summary

Book your place at Rescheduled session 1, Wednesday 26th April 2023, 14.00-15.30 GMT 

Designing success (measures): setting targets to measure impact 

Learn how to develop clear success measures as a fundamental element in Concordat action planning, using the 'theory of change' as a foundation for establishing the right activities and outcomes for specific obligations. Setting tangible targets for supporting researchers and improving the research environment will ultimately enable institutions in objectively measuring progress and championing impact. 

View the recording from the event