Professor Aradhana Mehra

Job title

Head of the Research and Enterprise Training Institute


University of Greenwich


With a PhD in Environmental Chemistry from Royal Holloway College, University of London, and post-doctoral research experience at Imperial College, Aradhana joined the University of Derby as a Lecturer in Environmental & Analytical Chemistry in 1993, progressing to a professor in 2005. Before moving to the University of Greenwich, she was heading the Environmental Sustainability Research Centre at Derby. At Greenwich Aradhana heads the Research and Enterprise Training Institute (RETI) which overseas the postgraduate research student training and progression, and provides strategic training to early career, mid and established research staff. Through Aradhana’s external roles at Greenwich, she works closely with the Quality Assurance Agency, University Alliance, and Vitae on various initiatives.

Aradhana’s academic expertise lies in the area of ‘Biogeochemistry of elements in the water-soil-plant-human pathway’ which is an important area of research at the cutting edge of science to protect human health from contaminants in the environment. She has been an external examiner for MSc programmes at UK universities, as well as on validation panel for a UK university franchise programmes in Sri Lanka. She has supervised several PhDs to successful completion and examined PhDs at universities in the UK and internationally (Australia, India). She has reviewed grants for NERC, Kuwait Foundation, European Social Fund, and been on journal editorial boards. 

Aradhana has held a number of external advisory roles internationally and within the UK such as the Environment Agency, SEMTA (Sector Skills Council for Science, Engineering & Manufacturing Technologies), Derby City Council, Vice-President of the ‘National Federation of UNESCO Associations, India’, Chairperson and Councillor of the Society for Environmental Geochemistry & Health (SEGH) – USA, Europe, Asia Pacific. She has recently been invited to be Fellow of the SEGH as a recognition for her long-term services and going the extra mile to support the Society.