Ms Alison Johns

Mrs Alison Johns



Job title

Head of Policy, Leadership, Governance and Management and Head of Organisational Development




Vitae Researcher Development International Conference 2013: Realising the Potential of Researchers
Sessions and workshops

Professional Development from Undergraduate to Professor?  Evolving Institutional approaches



Alison has worked in Higher Education for the over 20 years where she has held a number of senior positions.   

As Head of LGM, Alison has a wide range of specific policy responsibilities to support the enhancement of LGM capacity and capability in the sector. These include: working closely with the CUC (Committee of University Chairs) on governance development; the Leadership Foundation for HE for which she has funding responsibility; the HE workforce; HEFCE's strategy to support estates development in the sector; sustainable development including carbon reduction; equality and diversity and the Equality Challenge Unit; the efficiency and value for money agenda including shared services and procurement development. She also works closely with colleagues in the development of HEFCEs assurance and regulatory frameworks.

Internally she heads up the OD and HR function and is a member of the HEFCE Executive Group and Senior Management Team.

She is the national President of the Association of University Administrators (AUA) and is the UK representative on the Association of Commonwealth Universities HRM Network.  Alison holds a MA in Management Learning from the University of Lancaster. She speaks regularly on the subject of Leadership, Governance and Management of Higher Education nationally and internationally. Prior to HE Alison worked in the private sector as a management consultant and before that was a career civil servant.