Dr Carol Spencely

Carol SpencelyOrganisation

University of Surrey 

Job title

Researcher Development Officer 


After completing a BSc in physiology and pharmacology, Carol worked as a clinical scientist for the NHS in the immunology department at the Northern General Hospital in Sheffield.  During this time she also completed an MSc in pathological sciences.  Carol completed her PhD in immunology at the University of Liverpool in 2002 before moving to Imperial College London for a postdoc position at the National Heart and Lung Institute.  This led to three postdoc contracts and a teaching fellowship at Imperial before she decided to move away from lab-based research. 

Carol worked for a brief time as a medical writer for a communications company, but she was then drawn back to Imperial where she helped to set up the Postdoc Development Centre before joining the Researcher Development Programme at the University of Surrey in September 2012.  Carol leads on the programme for early career researchers and has a particular interest in supporting researchers with their research funding bids.  This has led to the recent publication of her first book, “What every postdoc needs to know” (World Scientific Publishing).