Dericka Frost


University of the Sunshine Coast

Job Title

Associate Lecturer


Many years of business experience working for myself, in small to medium enterprises, as well as multi-nationals both here and in North America led me to believe that successful completion of an MBA would see me return to business development. Instead, since then, I have been thoroughly enjoying myself teaching at the University of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia for the last six years. What began as a ‘little RA work’ and sessional tutoring has developed into a full-time ongoing role within our Preparation Pathways program, teaching business study skills while staying current by teaching into all levels of undergraduate studies such as Introduction to Informatics, Project Management, and Corporate Governance, Social Responsibility & Business Ethics. Currently, I am working with my colleagues to develop a Diploma course ‘Innovation: addressing the challenges’; and have recently designed and delivered a community course about Project Management. Earlier this year, I was fortunate enough to attend a ‘Start-up Weekend’ and this led to the concept development of this workshop, ‘The PhD Action Lab’ in collaboration with my colleague Dr Florin Oprescu. Come join me to explore how the recognised new venture model can benefit the emerging professional PhD-scape.