Dr Danielle White
Dr Danielle White
Periscope Programmes Ltd
Job title
Director and founder of Periscope Programmes
Danielle is the founder and director of Periscopes Programmes. An agile training consultancy supporting Universities and DTCs to enhance and deepen their career management offer to PGRs, PhDs, ECRs and research staff.
Interventions follow a coaching / empowerment-based approach to enable agency in career management. Danielle and her team have spent years listening deeply to the needs of programme alumni to codesign workshops and supporting material. With a selected pool of associates Periscope Programmes offers a portfolio of 2-hour workshops, 6 session programmes, extended half-day events and executive coaching. Area of focus include graduate career paths, career strategy planning, research commercialisation, networking and presentation confidence.
Danielle is an active member of AGCAS, the International Coaching Federation and is an affiliate at the University of Huddersfield. She deeply cares about researcher development and is very open to opportunities for collaboration in this area.
If you would like to arrange a conversation or recieve an overview of current offers, email
Email: d.white@periscopeprogrammes.com
LinkedIn Business: www.linkedin.com/company/periscope-programmes
LinkedIn Personal: www.linkedin.com/in/drdaniellewhite
Twitter: @Dr_DaniWhite