Dr Janet Metcalfe
Dr Janet Metcalfe is the Principal of Vitae, committed to providing world-class career and professional development for researchers. She is responsible for the strategic direction of Vitae and leads on the implementation of the UK Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers.
Recent projects include an H2020 project for EURAXESS on the intersectoral mobility of researchers; exploring the wellbeing and mental health of doctoral researchers for Research England and evaluating the Catalyst Fund, which is funding 17 institutional projects aimed at improving the wellbeing and mental health of doctoral researchers. Her publications include the ‘What do researchers do?’ series of publications exploring the landscape of researchers’ careers and impact, including 'What do research staff do next?, on the career paths of research staff who leave European universities to work in other employment sectors and occupations.
Janet led on the development of the Vitae Researcher Development Framework that describes the knowledge, skills and attributes of highly effective researchers. She is chair of the CROS/PIRLS Steering Group, responsible for developing and managing the Careers in Research Online Survey (CROS) and the Principal Investigator and Research Leaders Survey (PIRLS). Janet was a member of the European Commission's Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Advisory Group (2013 - 2017) and the Royal Society Diversity Committee (2016-18). She sits on the HEA Surveys Advisory Group and the Concordat Strategy Group.