Dr Kieran Fenby-Hulse


Teesside UniversityKieran Fenby Hulse

Job title

Impact Manager


Kieran has over 15 years experience working in research and research management. With a PhD in music, focusing on storytelling and communication, he has a passion and deep interest in how we communicate our ideas and the role of research within wider society.

He is an experienced trainer and facilitator and has delivered training on research management and leadership, presentation and communication skills, stakeholder engagement and collaborative working, and planning, evaluating and evidencing research impact, and equality, diversity, and inclusion in research.

He is currently managing editor for the Journal of Research Management and Administration, external examiner for the University of Strathyclyde's PGCerts in Researcher Development and Knowledge Exchange, External Committee Member for Goldsmiths Research Integrity and Ethics Committee, and External Advisor on Middle Career Development for the Society for Research into Higher Education.

He remains interested in music and performance and is currently working on an Academic Cabaret.