Dr Laura Fish
Institute of Cancer Research
Job title
Higher Scientific Officer
Dr Laura Fish has worked at the ICR as a Higher Scientific Officer for almost three years, after completing a PhD at The University of Bath. She joined the Scientific Officers Association (SOA) committee in 2012 and, in January 2014, took up the position of Chairperson. As Chair, she aims to facilitate the continual development of the SOA; liaising closely with Learning and Development to generate new ideas, build recognition and promote involvement. When asked about the benefits of being involved, Laura says “I initially joined the SOA to meet new people and do something different alongside my day-to-day job. However, the experience has far exceeded my expectations and the skills I have gained in communication, project management, financial planning and leadership will be vital for my future career. The SOA is a great asset to Scientific Officers and I enjoy working together with the rest of the committee to continue to support their personal and professional development at the ICR’s.”