Dr Rob Daley

Dr Rob Daley


Heriot-Watt University

Job title

Academic Programme Leader



Rob is an experienced academic developer with a keen interest in the researcher development agenda. Currently working in the Centre for Academic Leadership & Development at Heriot-Watt University, leading elements of the University's researcher development agenda, learning and teaching development as well as contributing to the quality assurance activities across the University.

He previously held academic development posts at the University of York and the University of Leicester.  His professional interests and activities cover a wide range of related topics including, evaluation of academic development activities, academic leadership development, transnational academic development, the role of supervisors in researcher development and issues around research impact.

Rob has contributed to the work of a wide range of national committees and working groups within the researcher development arena.  Presently, Rob chairs the UKCGE working group on the Postgraduate Student Experience and is a UK peer-reviewer for the "HR Excellence in Research" award.  He has previously been a member of the QAA Advisory Group for Chapter B11: Research Degrees of the new UK Quality Code, the Vitae Impact and Evaluation Group and the deputy-chair of the Vitae Research Staff Development Advisory Group.