Fabienne Gautier

Fabienne Gautier


European Commission

Job title

Head of Unit, ERA Policy and Reform in DG Research and Innovation, European Commission




Fabienne Gautier was nominated Head of Unit of the European Research Area (ERA) Policy and Reform Unit in the European Commission (DG Research and Innovation) in June 2014.  From September 2012 she was Acting Head of the Unit, and before that was Deputy Head of Unit since April 2011. She supports the coordination and development of an ERA policy Framework as part of the Innovation Union Flagship Initiative of the EU's Europe 2020 Strategy.

From 2008 to 2011 she was Deputy Head of the Administration and Finance Unit of the Directorate in charge of Science, Economy and Society. Besides the overall planning and monitoring tasks of the Unit, she supervised the negotiation and follow up of the Directorate's grants and public procurements, developing concrete actions to reduce the time to grant.

From 2006 to 2008 she worked as a policy and legal officer in charge of the implementation of Article 185 of the Treaty for the 7th Framework Programme in the Directorate in charge of the Coordination of National Research Programmes.  From the identification of the potential candidates, to the preparation and adoption of the first proposals in co-decision, she actively contributed to the realisation of the Commission's Work Programme on this strategic issue.

From 2003 to 2006 she was a project officer responsible for several ERA-NET projects for the 7th Framework Programme and contributed to the definition of the legal framework of ERA-NET and ERA-NET Plus activities.

From 1995 to 2003, she worked as legal officer in the Legal Unit of the Directorate General for Research and contributed to the drafting of the regulatory decisions and contracts related to the Framework Programmes.

She has a Master degree in Law (France), a certificate in European Law from the European Institute in Saarbrücken (Germany) and Advanced Master in Law of Information and Communication Technologies from the University of Namur (Belgium).


Vitae Researcher Development International Conference 2013: Realising the Potential of Researchers
Sessions and workshops

Trends and challenges in postgraduate participation and funding