Karen Stroobants
The Royal Society
Job title
Science Policy Intern
Karen Stroobants currently works on the research culture programme at the Royal Society. She is responsible for the development and testing of the Society’s Biosketch. The aim of the project is to enable researchers to share their varied contributions to science and society in a consistent way. Previously, Karen worked as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie post-doctoral Fellow at the Centre for Protein Misfolding Diseases, University of Cambridge where she did research on Alzheimer’s disease. In parallel, she was leading the Cambridge University Science and Policy Exchange (CUSPE) initiative. She currently is a by-Fellow of Churchill College, advisor to the CUSPE board, and vice-Chair of the Policy working group of the Marie Curie Alumni Association. Prior to her move to the UK, Karen lived in Leuven, Belgium where she obtained her PhD.