Dr Maria-Antonietta Buccheri
Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA)
Job title
Career Development Working Group Vice-Chair
Maria-Antonietta Buccheri has been volunteering for the Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) as Secretary General since its foundation and until February 2018. She is one of the founding members of the MCAA Career Development Working Group. Previously, she also volunteered for the Marie Curie Fellows Association (MCFA). Over the years, she was involved in different activities related to European researchers careers development and support. Besides, she is engaged in the European Science Policy panorama.
Maria-Antonietta is currently teaching Genetics at the University of Catania, Italy. She was recently involved as a scientist in the European project Winning Applications of naTEchnology for Resolutive hydropurification (WATER), at the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Italy. Within the project, she dealt with the biological facets of the study in a multidisciplinary environment.