Patricia Gray
University of Leeds
Job title
Researcher Skills Senior Training and Development Officer
Patricia Gray is a Senior Researcher Skills Training and Development Officer at the University of Leeds. She has 18 years’ experience in training and development programme innovation and management in higher education and professional sectors. She currently leads on the research and professional development programme to support postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers across the physical sciences, computing and engineering and on the University of Leeds European HR Excellence in Research Award and CROS and PIRLS project teams.
Patricia founded the Women in Science, Engineering and Technology Network at Leeds (WiSET) in 2009 and chaired its organising committee for five years. In 2013 she co-developed the University’s innovative Career Architect ProgrammeTM – a successful career planning and personal coaching programme to enable those seeking to transition into work beyond academia. In its launch year (2013-14) more than 50 percent of participants gained external research-level or professional employment either while on or shortly after taking part in the Programme.
She is a member by qualification of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations and is currently studying for the Institute of Leadership and Management Level 5 Diploma in Coaching and Mentoring. She has a Masters in the Public Communication of Science in addition to a Postgraduate Diploma in Public Relations and a Joint Honours (First Class) in Public Media and Communication and Cultural Studies.
Patricia has worked in many sectors including the Arts, the charities sector, higher and professional education, local authorities and library services. She has also been a small business owner. Before joining Leeds in 2006 she was Managing Director, Triple Cord Consultancy (working in skills for careers in PR and Marketing, university promotional work, etc); Director, Visible Voice School of Performing Arts; Training, Events and Awards Manager for HEIST (the Higher Education Services Trust) and Courses Development and Marketing Manager, Mimeistry School of Performing Arts, Pasadena, USA.