Samuel Krahl

OrganisationSamuel Krahl

GFLW Heidelberg / EMBO Lab Leadership

Job title

Project Coordinator and Trainer for EMBO Laboratory Leadership Courses


Sam was awarded his PhD in molecular biology by the University of East Anglia in the UK in 2005. In 2007 Sam left research to join the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) as an assistant editor for the journal EMBO Reports. Sam worked for the journal's 'science & society' section, commissioning and editing articles that explore how science interacts with the wider world. In 2015 Sam project managed the transition of EMBO's journals from Nature Publishing Group to Wiley VCH. He was subsequently appointed to the role of publishing manager at EMBO, ensuring the smooth running and effective marketing of the four journals in cooperation with Wiley's own publishing and marketing teams. At the end of 2016 Sam took over EMBO's training activities for scientists which are delivered through EMBO's non-profit daughter company, the Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Lebenswissenschaften Heidelberg GmbH (GFLW). Since taking on this role, Sam has worked to expand the diversity of EMBO's training portfolio, doubling the number of different courses that will be on offer for scientists in 2019, and the global reach of the courses, with the first leadership course delivered in India in March this year. Sam continues to look for ways in which EMBO can better meet the need of scientists for additional skills that contribute to their success as researchers, communicators and leaders.