IP for Research Webinars 2020-2021

“The IPO is delighted to be supporting the development of researchers for the third year running in partnership with Vitae. To ensure our events remain accessible, we will be offering four bitesize live lectures open to all PhD students and early career researchers, in addition to our webinars tailored for universities and research institutions. These events explain how to navigate the intellectual property environment so that researchers can maximise the impact of their research.

We recognise that it is vital that ongoing support is available to strengthen researchers’ knowledge and understanding of intellectual property. Therefore, we are also working with Vitae to develop new online resources to support institutions to run their own IP training programmes.”  Guy Robinson, Divisional Director, Innovation Policy, IPO.

Expressions of interest are invited from universities and research institutions to host a webinar in the 2020/21 academic year for PhD students and researchers. Please note all events in the 2020/2021 programme will be delivered online, we do not expect to deliver any events in person.

Expressions of interest can no longer be submitted.

Please bear in mind the following information when filling out the form.

Vitae and the IPO will provide:

  • An expert facilitator to deliver the webinar
  • A Vitae host to manage the online platform
  • Supporting materials and content
  • Marketing materials and information to support publicity for the event
  • Evaluation surveys before and after the webinar
  • The online platform (this is most likely to be Zoom Pro)

We ask the institution to provide:

  • A commitment of at least 25 attendees at the webinar
  • Promotion of the webinar within the institution(s) to ensure maximum impact
  • Involvement of the Technology Transfer Office (or equivalent) to collaborate with Vitae to tailor and deliver content adapted to the institution’s needs
  • A process for managing the registration of participants and weekly provision of registration figures to Vitae
  • An undertaking that participants complete the pre-event survey as part of the application process
  • Timely distribution of the event joining instructions and post event survey to participants
  • To facilitate and encourage the participants to complete the 3-month impact survey sent to the Technology Transfer Office (or equivalent) 3 months after the event to understand the actions they have taken following their attendance

Institutions are welcome to submit a joint application with other institutions, particularly if this will enable them to reach the minimum attendance numbers; in which case we would expect input from each institution regarding their approach to IP. Vitae and the IPO are happy to provide support to institutions without an established Technology Transfer Office or equivalent to assist them in preparing a short (10-15 mins) session on this if needed.

Vitae and the IPO will not charge the institution any fees for hosting the events. Any costs incurred in running the events should be covered by the institution themselves.

What you can expect:

This programme has been developed to increase the Intellectual Property (IP) knowledge and skills of doctoral and early career researchers. These free webinars will support:

  • Researchers to understand IP and the role it plays in their research goals
  • Researchers to make educated decisions on the use and commercialisation of IP developed within their institution
  • Researchers to engage with their TTO (or equivalent) at appropriate times within their research
  • Those supporting researchers to update their knowledge on IP and to advise their researchers on how best to interact with them on IP

Draft outline agenda for webinars:

The content of each webinar will be adapted to the institution’s specific requirements and to the audience. The basic content will include:

  • Introduction to IP, the IPO and why IP is important
  • A discussion of IP Rights (copyright, patents, design and trade marks)
  • The institution’s approach to IP, the role of the Technology Transfer office (or equivalent), and their support for research projects
  • Guest speaker(s) from the institution sharing their own IP experience, if possible

If we are not able to run a webinar with you, we will also be offering Live Lecture online events as part of the IP for Research Programme. These Live Lectures will be open to all researchers across the UK. We plan to run these in January and April 2021. Please sign up to our newsletter to receive more information on these.