Online #Vitaehangout for researchers
Topics include:
- Making the most of your PhD placements
- Navigating your digital profile
- Coping with stress and anxiety - health and well-being for researchers
- New Year's Goals: Successful career planning for researchers
- Will getting a mentor boost your career?
- Get your voice heard and boost your career
- Improving equality in the research environment
- How to develop your profile in and outside academia?
- Make a successful start in your research!
- What do researchers do next?
- How to start a business after your PhD?
Making the most of PhD placements
20 March 2018 12-1 UK time
Undertaking work experience outside your normal institutions’ research environment, even for a short time, can significantly broaden your career options following your doctorate. But what exactly does a work placement or internship involve, and how might it benefit you?
Navigating your digital profile
20 June 2017 at 10-11am UK time
Learn more about how to use your personal brand to create a digital identity and effectively use online platforms to promote your research #vitaehangout
Our panellists include a digital nomad, personal brand expert and a researcher developer who all talk the talk - but more importantly walk the walk when it comes to successfully navigating the digital world to promote their work and their research.
Coping with stress and anxiety - health and well-being for researchers
14 March 2017 2-3 UK time
We all know that being a researcher can be very satisfying, but it often comes at a price of high levels of stress and anxiety. It could be the pressure of deadlines, writers block or dealing with fixed term contracts, or perhaps the anxiety of not knowing where your next steps will take you. Research can also be isolating and hard on your self-confidence and motivation. Good mental health and well-being can help researchers deal with the stresses of life in academia and make the most of the opportunities around them whatever their future may hold.
New Year's Goals: successful career planning for researchers
18 January 2017, 2-3pm UK time
Career planning is one of the best investments in your future you can make today. If you don't know where to start, join us on the 18 January betwen 2-3pm (UK Time) to explore career options for researchers and and make sure your professional development planning becomes a successful life-changing habit rather than something you only consider once every few years.
Will getting a mentor boost your career?
16 June, 2016, 2-3 pm UK Time
This recording of the #vitaehangout Q&A explored mentoring and coaching relationships, from the perspectives of being mentored and being a mentor, as well as the support and structures in institutions that can help.
Get your voice heard and boost your career #vitaehangout
21 May 2015, 2-3 pm UK Time
Recording of the #vitaehangout Q&A which took place on 21 May 2015 on the topic of research staff associations and their benefits, both to the career of individual researchers and to the research and higher education environment in general.
Read the top tweets and tips from the Q&A at #vitaehangout.
Improving equality in the research environment #vitaehangout
26 March 2015 (2-3 pm) UK time
Recording of the #vitaehangout Q&A which took place on 26 March 2015 on the topic of equality and diversity in research. Our panel of E&D champions shared their knowledge about the initiatives in place and discussed the issues that affect researchers in higher education. This event was part of Vitae Every Researcher Counts,a series of activities addressing equality and diversity in higher education and research.
Read the top tweets and tips from the Q&A at #vitaehangout.
How to develop your profile in and outside academia? #vitaehangout
27 November 2014 (2-3 pm) UK Time
Recording of a free online Q&A dedicated to self-promotion, pitching your ideas, networking and developing your independent profile inside or outside academia for research staff.
Read the top tweets and tips from the Q&A at #vitaehangout.
Make a successful start in your research! #vitaehangout
23 October 2014 (2-3 pm) UK Time
Recording of a free online event for researchers at the start of their PhD. Our moderator was joined by doctoral researchers in their finishing stages, PhD graduates and career advisors to discuss how to become a successful researcher and offer tips for a smooth and enjoyable PhD.
Read the top tweets and tips from the Q&A at #vitaehangout
We have answered some of your additional questions here.
What do researchers do next? #PostAcStory Hangout
26 June 2014 (2-3 pm) UK Time - Recording of a Google Hangout with researchers turned consultants and researchers working in and outside academia discussing what it’s like to do their jobs, how they got there and how they decided what to do next after their PhD or Postdoctoral grant.
#Vitae14 How to start a business after your PhD?
20 March 2014, (2-3 pm) UK Time - Recording of a Google Hangout with researchers turned successful entrepreneurs. Katie Wheat (of #ECRchat) was joined by entrepreneurs, founders and educators spanning high-tech to social enterprise to discuss how to take the first steps towards building your own business and being more enterprising in your research.
We have answered some of your additional questions here.