Past events
List of past events
Part time researcher (Birmingham)
The day will consist of activities focusing on how to approach your research as a part-time researcher
International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference
-13th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference
HEA STEM Annual Learning and Teaching Conference
-The next HEA STEM conference entitled “Enhancing the STEM Student Journey” will take place at the University of Edinburgh on 30 April – 1 May 2014.
So you want to be in...medical communications
The Vitae NW Hub and MedComms Networking is delighted to host this careers event in Manchester. It is free to attend for everyone, though primarily intended for research staff from the biomedical sciences.
Cardiff University: Spotlight on Social Sciences
Would you like the opportunity to present your research in an open, friendly and informal environment? Then look no further than the Spotlight on Social Sciences Conference 2014, a student-led, interdisciplinary conference which provides an opportunity for postgraduate students to showcase current research
National Postdoctoral Association Annual meeting
-2014 annual meeting
Your Research Career - Where Next?
Making choices about your career can be challenging. This one-day workshop aims to help Bioscience researchers and PhD students review their career options and suitability to different Sectors so they can take strategic decisions about their next career move, whether within or outside of academia.
Effective Researcher - Effective progress
Bangor University - This course has been designed to help you navigate this extremely challenging middle part of your doctorate. It is an opportunity to review what you have done to date, and explore how that relates to what you need to achieve overall, as well as looking ahead to what needs to be done in the short- to medium-term future.
Effective Researcher - How to be an effective researcher for postgraduate researchers
-Bangor University - How to be an effective researcher for postgraduate researchers is a two-day, non-residential programme designed to enhance your effectiveness.
Every Researcher Counts Train the Trainer (YNE and SNI) regions
Sheffield University - Struggling to know how to meet RCUKs statement of expectations for equality and diversity? Vitae's ‘Every Researcher Counts' flexible suite of resources can help. These resources are for staff developers and principal investigators to ensure that, in relation to research staff, equality and diversity issues are understood, visible and prioritised in HEIs.
#Vitae14 How to start a business after your PhD?
A virtual Google event with researchers turned entrepreneurs. Join us on 20 March and ask your questions.
Standing up for science
Workshops are aimed at PhD students, postdocs or equivalent in a first job. There are 40 places available, with priority places offered for those who are members of or funded by the workshop's partner organisations
The Enterprising Researcher – Innovating in your career 2
The 2014 Impact days will engage researchers in thinking about enterprise in a broad sense and to apply the behaviours associated with being enterprising and self-leadership to their own career development.
Every Researcher Counts Train the Trainer (2)
King's College London - Struggling to know how to meet RCUKs statement of expectations for equality and diversity? Vitae's ‘Every Researcher Counts' flexible suite of resources can help. These resources are for staff developers and principal investigators to ensure that, in relation to research staff, equality and diversity issues are understood, visible and prioritised in HEIs.
Vitae SWW Hub Annual Good Practice Conference 2014
Wales Millennium Centre - Bookings for our Annual Good Practice Conference to be held on Wednesday March 12 10.30-16.00 at the Wales Millennium Centre are now open
Distance learning in researcher development
Are you thinking about providing researcher development activities online but don't know where to start? Researchers are changing the way they work, learn, communicate and collaborate. Online engagement is becoming integral to effective academic practice in a global environment. In order for you to effectively support the development of your researchers, you may be considering a more blended approach to learning incorporating elements such as webinars, virtual classrooms, discussion spaces, collaborative blogs and Tweet-chats. This workshop will help you explore online approaches to training and development and work out which will work best for you and your researchers.
The Enterprising Researcher – Innovating in your career 1
The 2014 Impact days will engage researchers in thinking about enterprise in a broad sense and to apply the behaviours associated with being enterprising and self-leadership to their own career development.
Leadership in Action
-Windermere - Vitae's most popular programme since its launch in 2009, Leadership in Action is a three-day course designed to develop leadership skills in researchers
Establishing Yourself - Productivity and People (For Early Career Researchers)
University of Warwick - The course will cover the theme of being more productive and working more effectively with others.
The Part Time Researcher (PGR)
University of Nottingham - This is a specially designed workshop for all researcher students studying on a part-time basis in the Midlands. The workshop will provide you with an opportunity to meet other part-time students, understand the part-time experience and also provide you with two skills workshops.
Part-time Researcher Workshop
University of Liverpool - The part-time researcher workshops are especially designed for part-time researchers.The workshop will provide you with an opportunity to meet other part-time students, understand the part-time experience and also provide you with two skills workshops .
Part-time Researcher Workshop
University of Cumbria - The part-time researcher workshops are especially designed for part-time researchers.The workshop will provide you with an opportunity to meet other part-time students, understand the part-time experience and also provide you with two skills workshops.
Effective Researcher - Effective Progress
The University of Manchester - This course has been designed to help you navigate this extremely challenging middle part of your doctorate. It is an opportunity to review what you have done to date, and explore how that relates to what you need to achieve overall, as well as looking ahead to what needs to be done in the short- to medium-term future.
SNI HR Excellence Practice-Sharing Event
University of Dundee - This practise-sharing event will focus on attaining and retaining the HR Excellence award, and is aimed at all HEIs within the SNI region that have applied for the HR Excellence award, are working towards the two-year or four-year review, or are interested in gaining the award. Vitae's ‘Every Researcher Counts' flexible suite of resources can help. These resources are for staff developers and principal investigators to ensure that, in relation to research staff, equality and diversity issues are understood, visible and prioritised in HEIs.
The Engaging Researcher
Lancaster University - This one day highly interactive workshop has been designed for researchers who are new to, or have some experience with public engagement.
Every Researcher Counts Train the Trainer (1)
King's College London - Struggling to know how to meet RCUKs statement of expectations for equality and diversity? Vitae's ‘Every Researcher Counts' flexible suite of resources can help. These resources are for staff developers and principal investigators to ensure that, in relation to research staff, equality and diversity issues are understood, visible and prioritised in HEIs.
Vitae Research Staff Conference 2013: Inspired Futures
In its fifth year, the Vitae Research Staff Conference 2013 in partnership with the UK Research Staff Association explored the options open to research staff.
Vitae Researcher Development International Conference 2013
-Realising the Potential of Researchers
HR strategies for researchers: future directions and good practice across Europe
The HR Excellence in Research Award is currently held by over 120 organisations across Europe. It acknowledges institutions which are implementing the principles of the European Charter and Code of Recruitment of Researchers and have robust plans in place to enhance working conditions for researchers
The Vitae Policy Forum 2013
-The annual Vitae Policy Forum was an invitation-only event for pro-vice-chancellors or equivalent senior staff who could speak on behalf of the institution