Establishing Yourself - Productivity and People
Supported by Vitae
4 March 2015 - 09.00am – 4.30pm
Central Meeting Room 1, Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes
The Open University is running this course and has offered free places to research staff and final year doctoral researchers from other universities. The overall course objectives are around being more productive and working more effectively with others. The programme covers:
- Considering what makes a researcher effective
- Time/task management
- Communicating and working effectively with others
- Managing relationships – with our peers, lead investigators and team leaders, and junior researchers who work for us.
The key is that this programme is about research staff being potential PIs or project team leaders. This programme is therefore aimed at allowing them to step into this role. Those individuals whose career aspirations do not involve progressing ‘up’ the research ladder (e.g. stay in their current role, or take their skills outside of the research environment) will recognise that the skills are transferable readily to other environments so the programme is not only aimed at those aiming to pursue a full academic career.
Participation is free but attendees are responsible for their own travel and accommodation (if needed). If you would like to attend, please contact