Connections event: Insights into researcher development - Getting to grips with the job
A Vitae event
Holiday Inn, London Bloomsbury
Monday 20 July 2015
Event Overview
The researcher development landscape is wide and varied, with many possibilities and pitfalls. If you are new to researcher development, either as all or part of your role, then this one day introductory event will help you navigate through this landscape from institutional, national and international perspectives, and give you insights into how to add value your role, create impact and effectively engage researchers in their professional development.
This event is designed for those with new responsibilities to support professional development of postgraduate researchers and research staff and is open to UK, EU and international participants with a new role in, for example:
- Training and development
- Research administration
- Research supervision
- Staff development
- Doctoral Training Partnerships or Centres
- Graduate Schools
- Careers services
- Research and enterprise offices
The event will provide you with insights, tools and tactics to be more effective in a researcher development role and also give you an opportunity to consider your own career in researcher development.
Learning outcomes
This lively and interactive event will be a mixture of presentations, discussions and group activity looking at different dimensions of a researcher development role. Afterwards you will be able to:
- Understand the broader institutional, national and international context of your role.
- Recognize the main aspects, similarities and differences in the roles of a researcher developers.
- Identify key partners, recognise stakeholders and define how you can collaborate effectively and meet their needs.
- Understand the main aspects of the Researcher Development Framework and how it can enhance your work to create greater impact.
- Practice using a process for planning a development opportunity for researchers.
- Inform your own career development using the Vitae Continuing Professional Development framework for researcher developers.
- Produce an action plan for future developments.
Outline Programme
The Bigger Picture
Understanding the broad institutional, national and international context within which researcher developers work:
- who are the main partners?
- what are the key policies and strategies to be aware of?
Being effective in the job
Looking at the main responsibilities in a researcher development role, with reference to:
- creating a coherent programme of opportunities
- designing and delivering development opportunities
- getting researchers engaged in their professional development.
Developing Yourself
- reflecting on the competencies of an effective researcher developer
- an opportunity to look at the Vitae CPD framework for researcher developers
- starting action planning
This is a full day of training so, in order for you to get the most out of it, we would appreciate it if appropriate travel arrangements are made to enable you to stay until the end of the day.
There are a limited number of places on this event – please complete the booking form (see left) and we will be in touch to confirm your place.
NB If you have not already done so, please register on the Vitae site before completing the form.