
Prof Anna Maria Eleuteri

Associate Professor in Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Rector's Delegate for the Implementation of the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for their Recruitment, University of Camerino
Roundtable of perspectives

Ms Brigita Krsnik Horvat

Head of Office for UM Researchers' and Projects' Support, University of Maribor
Roundtable of perspectives

Ms Catherine Lux

Director of Human Resources, European Science Foundation
Roundtable of perspectives

Mr Denis Clarke

Assistant Policy Officer, European Commission
Exploring the certification of HR management of researchers across Europe


Ms Ellen Pearce Director Vitae

Ms Ellen Pearce

Director, Vitae, CEO, CRAC
Progress across Europe: an overview of strengths and gaps

Mr Guy Gregory

Human Resources Director, University of Bristol
Roundtable of perspectives

Mr James Stroyan

Mr James Stroyan

Senior Consultant, Technopolis
Exploring the certification of HR management of researchers across Europe

Dr Justin Hutchence

Dr Justin Hutchence

Research Staff Development Manager, University of Reading
Exploring the common strengths and gaps in implementation plans: sharing practice and identifying solutions

Mr Paul Simmonds

Director, Technopolis
Exploring the certification of HR management of researchers across Europe

Dr Sara Williams

Dr Sara Williams

Training and Development Manager (Research), Cardiff University
Sharing practice: strategies for effective on-going review

Mr Stefaan Hermans

Mr Stefaan Hermans

Head of Unit, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation
Enhancing HR strategies for researchers: the European strategy

Prof Trevor McMillan

Pro Vice Chancellor for Research, Lancaster University
Welcome and introduction

Dr Tristram Hooley

Dr Tristram Hooley

Head of iCeGs, Reader in Career Development
Exploring the common strengths and gaps in implementation plans: sharing practice and identifying solutions

Mr Trond Singsaas

Senior Advisor, Rector’s office, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Roundtable of perspectives

Mrs Veryan Johnston

Executive Director of Human Resources , Newcastle University