Vitae HR strategies for researchers: future directions and good practice across Europe
Friday 24 May 2013
10.00 |
Registration and refreshments
10.30 |
Welcome and introduction Prof Trevor McMillan - Pro Vice Chancellor for Research, Lancaster University
10.45 |
Enhancing HR strategies for researchers: the European strategy Mr Stefaan Hermans - Head of Unit, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation
11.15 |
Progress across Europe: an overview of strengths and gaps Ms Ellen Pearce - Director, Vitae, CEO, CRAC |
11.45 |
Roundtable of perspectives Ms Catherine Lux - Director of Human Resources, European Science Foundation Mr Trond Singsaas - Senior Advisor, Rector’s office, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Prof Anna Maria Eleuteri - Associate Professor in Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Rector's Delegate for the Implementation of the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for their Recruitment, University of Camerino Mr Guy Gregory - Human Resources Director, University of Bristol Ms Brigita Krsnik Horvat - Head of Office for UM Researchers' and Projects' Support, University of Maribor
12.45 |
Question and answer session
13.00 |
14.00 |
Workshop discussions
15.00 |
Report back, next steps and action planning
15.30 |
Wrap up
15.45 |