We're delighted to announce the following speakers:
Dr Susan Brooks, Deputy Head of the Graduate School (Research Training) at Oxford Brookes University
Vincianne Gaillard, Research Manager, Doctorat.be
Dr Mark Proctor, Academic Development Officer (Research), University of Sunderland
Dr Katryna Kalawsky, Postgraduate Research Student Development Officer, Loughborough University
David Uribe, Head of the EUA Council for Doctoral Education (CDE), European University Association
Dr Rui Pires Martins, Researcher Development Adviser, Queen Mary University, London
Dr Michael Rayner, Dean of Research at the University of the Highlands & Islands
Dr Mandy Robbins, Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Glyndwr University
Dr Justin Hutchence, Researcher Training and Development Manager at University of Oxford
Also, speakers from HEFCE and Thales UK to be announced shortly