IP for Research Workshops

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*Intellectual Property Office is an operating name of the Patent Office


Vitae and the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) are delighted to be partnering on the development of  ‘IP for Research’ workshops. These workshops aim to increase the Intellectual Property (IP) knowledge and skills of doctoral and early career researchers and facilitate relationships within institutions to support the management and development of IP.

Each interactive one-day workshop will be tailored to the institution and delivered by an expert with contributions from local staff and relevant services, such as technology transfer offices. Workshops will take place during January to May 2019 and each workshop will be open to 25 doctoral and/or early career researchers from the host institution.

"The IPO is delighted to be working with Vitae to deliver the IP for Research workshops.  Knowledge exchange, commercialisation and collaboration present different pathways to realise impact, and they also present different challenges.  The IPO is committed to supporting institutions to make informed decisions about using their IP and to helping researchers to be confident about how IP relates to their research.  These workshops explain how to navigate the IP environment, highlight the potential opportunities to maximise the impact of  research."  Pippa Hall, Director of Innovation and Chief Economist, IPO

Workshop programme 



  • Overview of Intellectual Property
  • Background to the Intellectual Property Office (IPO)
  • Why IP is important to researchers
Commercialisation of IP within research projects
Role of the  Technology Transfer Office (TTO) and their support of research projects
Case Studies