How did you manage your time to ensure you could teach, do research, publish...

Posted 08/12/2014 by Beata Pedziwiatr

Shailesh Appukuttan: First, remember PhD is not the end, it is the beginning; so if you drop everything else during a PhD, when you finish it, it may not be easy or even possible / guarantee to take you where you want to go. Such thoughts could help to prioritise and balance the allocation of time for work, PhD, publications, conferences and other disseminations. Having an excellent thesis but no other experiences would mean, you have to spend time developing these after the PhD, which again means less/delayed opportunity to apply and practice what you have gained from the PhD. However, focussing just on your PhD would be fine, if you are at the beginning of, or want to change career. So to answer your question time management and productivity will come from your rational for doing the PhD and any long term plans.