Vitae Research Staff Conference 2014: Recognition and Value

Vitae logo A Vitae event

Bristol, Thursday 13 November 2014

This event is free to UK based participants

Event overview

In its sixth year, the Vitae Research Staff Conference 2014 in partnership with the UK Research Staff Association will explore the recognition and value of research staff.

Recognition and Value relates to Principle 2 of the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers that “Researchers are recognised and valued by their employing organisation as an essential part of their organisation’s human resources and a key component of their overall strategy to develop and deliver world-class research.”

In this one-day event, we will bring together research staff of various career stages, representatives from research staff associations, and those supporting the development of researchers to explore this theme in detail, considering the broad recognition and value of research staff both within academia and beyond.

The conference will close with presentations from two inspiring speakers:

  • Taking control of your career. Keynote address by Dr Sophia Karagiannis, King's College London
  • Careers – I’ve had a few. Keynote address by Dr Nessa Carey, International Director at PraxisUnico

Other topics to be raised in presentations and workshops include:

  • The recognition of research staff by institutions, employers, and European funding and policy. Plenary panel discussion
  • Understanding your leadership potential for research staff
  • Researchers and employers: Mutual recognition of value
  • Working together for greater international recognition, by the International Consortium of Research Staff Associations (ICoRSA)
  • Leveraging the value of your research staff association, by UKRSA
  • Support for Arts and Humanities Researchers Post-PhD, by AHRC
  • Professional development planning: Recognising your value

There will also be opportunities to meet and network with other research staff and exhibitors, connect with your regional UKRSA representative, and find out more about how to get involved with the network of local, regional, national and international research staff associations.

There is no fee for UK participants. International participants are also welcome.

As a follow-up to the Research Staff Conference, Vitae will be hosting a free online video Q&A for postdoctoral researchers dedicated to self-promotion, pitching your ideas, networking and developing your independent profile inside or outside academia. 

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