B1 - Getting that first lectureship - taking on the challenge?

Day 1 at 14:15 - "More than three-quarters of research staff responding to the Careers in Research Online Survey 2013 said they aspired to a career in higher education and around two-thirds said they expected to achieve this." THES 12/09/13

In the light of the quote above it is even more important that researchers are able to take on the challenges of academic career development and to take a proactive approach to managing and developing their careers. Strand - Research staff.
Day Day 1
Session B
Start time 14:15
Strand Research staff
Code B1
Presenters Mrs Josie Grindulis - Career Development Manager - Research Staff , Cardiff University
Ms Clare Jones - Senior Careers Adviser Research Staff/Postgraduate Research Students, University of Nottingham
Dr Alex Tarr - Senior Research Fellow, University of Nottingham

This session will enable participants to focus on key aspects of academic career development through:

  • discussing and considering the results of a survey of senior academics undertaken by the AGCAS (Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services) Research Staff task group. The survey, entitled "Getting the first lecturing job" asked: "What do you think are the requirements for new lecturers in your discipline?". It produced some fascinating insights and findings, including:
    • interesting and candid comments by academics from 22 UK Universities clearly identifying the key attributes of new lecturers as:
    • research excellence
    • quality teaching experience
    • collaborative working
    • good communication
    • detailed insight into the heightened level of competition within academic career
    • listening to, and reflecting on, the perspectives of a senior research fellow on moving from being a post doc to a Principal Investigator.


The workshop will offer a mixture of small and whole group discussions, plus information from short presentations and an opportunity for individual reflection.


Participants who are current research staff will be able to acquire further knowledge and insights into academic career development, to reflect on their progress to date and identify post conference actions.

Participants involved in supporting the career development of researchers will be able to assess how they may be able to use the survey outcomes and career journey insights to enhance and develop their practice.