A4 - Researcher Development in a teaching-led institution

Day 1 at 14:45 - Whilst Sheffield Hallam is a teaching-led institution, it is actively research-engaged and around 28% of staff undertake research. The majority of its research funding comes from commercial, public and third sector contracts, and European awards, rather than research councils. The University is however strongly committed to producing excellent research and believes in investing in developing a capable, confident, recognised and valued community of researchers. Unlike many other institutions, Sheffield Hallam has been largely unaffected by the Roberts' funding curve. Investment in researcher development over the last decade has therefore been incremental and sustainable. The institution's researcher development drivers are internal - its commitment to increasing the quality and quantity of research outputs and to facilitating career satisfaction of researchers for reasons of retention and recruitment. Strand - All Researchers (practice).
Day Day 1
Session A
Start time 14:45
Strand All Researchers (practice)
Code A4
Presenters Dr Keith Fildes - Researcher Development Adviser, Sheffield Hallam University

The workshop covered:

Building institutional capacity for researchers' professional development to maintain research excellence; sustainable practice to support researcher skills, professional and career development.


  • commercial pressures on researchers (income over outputs)
  • lack of internal recognition/prestige and less clear progression pathways
  • a 'brain drain' to teaching-only roles.


  • high level of career satisfaction
  • engaged, capable and agile researchers
  • professionalised PGRs.


  • a needs-based and individually-tailored researcher development programme
  • integration with learning and teaching CPD provision
  • building a research community.

Workshop outcomes:


  • developed a greater awareness of the challenges facing both researchers and developers in teaching-led institutions
  • explored creative approaches to developing researchers in less traditional environments.


Information, practice sharing and whole-group conversation. Participants were encouraged to bring examples from their own institution to the discussion.