C2 - Mentoring as a way of gaining cultural integration

Day 2 at 11:00 - The goal of the mentor program for international researchers at the University of Copenhagen was to integrate international researchers into Danish culture and society. Since 2009 the University of Copenhagen matched over 400 international researchers with Danish researchers and other university staff members.

The workshop shared the best practices, challenges and outcomes of a mentor program which aimed to develop the intercultural competences of both international and Danish researchers. Strand - All Researchers (practice).
Day Day 2
Session C
Start time 11.00
Strand All Researchers (practice)
Code C2
Presenters Ms Vivian Tos Lindgaard - Head of International Staff Mobility Office, University of Copenhagen


Topics covered:

  • mentoring as an integration process
  • mentoring as a part of a intercultural dialogue
  • mentoring as a tool to develop intercultural competences
  • the transferability of the model to other national contexts.


Short presentation followed by discussions.