D4 - The future is RED - a progressive model for researcher engagement and development

Day 2 at 13:45 - Utilising simulation, case studies from Aberdeen and discussion, this interactive workshop focussed on embedding public engagement within researcher development. At the University of Aberdeen, an RCUK Catalyst institution, we have developed a strategy for progressive researcher empowerment whereby the provision of skills and personal development are closely coupled with tangible and real-life opportunities to put skills into practice through public engagement and other channels. Within this strategy, public engagement is not viewed merely as a useful extracurricular activity; rather, it is conceived of as an integral component of researcher development. In this session we explored the model, share good practice and investigated new ways to engage researchers to get involved, demonstrated their progress and embeded public engagement in the research process. Strand - All Researchers (practice).
Day Day 2
Session D
Start time 13:45
Strand All Researchers (practice)
Code D4
Presenters Dr Mary-Alice Clancy - Researcher Development Officer, University of Aberdeen
Dr Rhiannon Thompson - Engagement Project Officer, University of Aberdeen
Ms Heather Doran - Public Engagement with Research Project Officer, University of Aberdeen


Topics covered:

  • an interactive demonstration of how public engagement skills are an integral component of researcher development
  • an understanding of how we can use public engagement as an anchor for wider professional development and to help researchers to embrace the researcher development framework more broadly
  • case studies from the University of Aberdeen
  • a final discussion session shared experiences from other institutions.

Workshop outcomes:

by the end of the workshop participants:

  • developed a greater understanding of how to creatively use public engagement as a route to embed professional development within an academic context
  • understood that public engagement is an integral component of researcher development
  • understood more about embedding public engagement as a pathway to impact
  • took away new ideas to embed public engagement in researcher development
  • gained an appreciation for the wider applications of skills developed through public engagement.


Simulation, interaction, information and discussion.