D5 - Developing the global researcher

Day 2 at 13:45 - The benefits of international collaboration and international mobility are becoming clearer all the time. But what do researchers need in order to succeed as global researchers? Access to information, funding and practical support is crucial, as it the development of skills such as intercultural competency, language and communication skills. This session took a look at benefits of international collaboration, highlighted some of the emerging data around research capacity in emerging economies, and explored some of the mechanisms that exist to make it easier for UK and overseas researchers to pursue an international research career. Examples from the UK were given and then an interactive discussion engaged all workshop participants. Strand - All Researchers (practice).
Day Day 2
Session D
Start time 13:45
Strand All Researchers (practice)
Code D5
Presenters Dr Claire McNulty - Director Science, British Council
Dr Sam Hopkins - Researcher Development Officer, University of Surrey


The workshop covered:

  • the view from a EURAXESS local contact point on the benefits of researcher mobility across countries and sectors, and recommendations for increasing this mobility
  • an overview of several initiatives which facilitate international researcher mobility, including EURAXESS, AMBER (collaboration with Latin America) and two new British Council projects: Researcher Links and Researcher Connect
  • interactive discussion: what do researchers need to become ‘global researchers? What can be done to support them at the international/national/institutional level?

Workshop outcomes:


  • learned about the importance of international researcher mobility and gained insight into science capacity in emerging economies
  • learned about mechanisms to help international researchers coming to the UK and UK researchers wanting to continue their careers abroad
  • engaged in a wider discussion around the drivers and barriers to an international research career.


Two short talks (20-30 min) followed by discussion (20 min). Participants were asked to be prepared to share their experiences of the challenges that researchers face and the benefits they gain from international research during the interactive discussion session.