A5 - Support for researchers in the arts and humanities post-PhD

Day 1 at 15:20 - The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the British Academy (BA) commissioned a study from Oakleigh Consulting Limited to understand more about the issues faced by researchers in the period immediately following their PhD. Both funders wanted to obtain further insight into the diversity of roles, opportunities and employment for researchers who work in research organisations following their doctorate, and the needs and aspirations of researchers at this early stage of their career.

The study was focused on those who wish to pursue a career in the higher education sector. The aim being to increase understanding of the numbers and types of roles and contracts taken up, as well as how well supported and informed these early career researchers feel in pursuing their careers. The study comprised a survey and a series of interviews with early career researchers, at various points in their career, and staff in a variety of roles at a range of research organisations.

Presentation from Workshop A5


Day Day 1
Session A
Start time 15:20
Strand Research staff
Code A5

Professor Nigel Vincent  - Professor Emeritus, University of Manchester

Dr Sue Carver  - Head of Research Careers, Training and Peer Review, AHRC

Workshop topics covered:

Key findings from the study will be presented at the workshop.  This will be followed by a discussion on the types of support available to early career researchers and an opportunity to share ideas and best practice.

Themes covered:

Researcher development and researcher careers evaluation and impact studies to further our understanding and knowledge of the researcher landscape

Workshop outcomes:

Further insight into the careers of researchers’ post-PhD and how they can be supported.


Presentation and discussion