B5 - The introduction to public engagement for postgraduate researcher’s online module: a University of Birmingham (UoB) doctoral training partnership (DTP) researcher development case study

Day 1 at 16:20 - This workshop will showcase the ˜Introduction to Public Engagement for PGRs” online module developed by Birmingham’s University Graduate School as part of UoB’s Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Research Methods & Skills (PGCARMS). PGCARMS provides key researcher development for UoB DTP-funded PGRs. We will start by providing workshop participants with a background to the module, its development and its role within the wider UoB DTP provision. We will then outline our distance learning approach to public engagement development. This will include our use of UoB’s new Virtual Learning Environment, our development Birmingham-specific resources, and our approach to assessment. Workshop participants will be asked to complete a few of the online public engagement exercises to get a sense of the content and how the module worked. We will reflect on our lessons learnt from the first module cohort, drawing on participant evaluation data and module tutor observations. We will finish by asking workshop participants to share their examples of public engagement and distance learning researcher development and suggesting next steps for development and delivery of the module.

Presentation from Workshop B5


Day Day 1
Session B
Start time 16:20
Strand Postgraduate research
Code B5

Dr Catherine Mills - University Graduate School Manager, University of Birmingham

Jim Bell  - University Graduate School Events and Marketing Officer, University of Birmingham

Workshop topics covered:

  • How the public engagement module sits within the wider University of Birmingham Doctoral Training Partnership researcher development provision
  • Recap from last year's special interest session and update on the progress of the public engagement module
  • The development and delivery of the public engagement module including our distance learning approach.
  • Demonstration of the new virtual learning environment used for the delivery of the majority of the module
  • Reflection on learning from the module's first cohort, including evaluation from the module participants.
  • Discussion of potential next steps for the public engagement module with practice sharing from workshop participants.

Themes covered:

Researcher development within the cohort model: practice sharing from doctoral training centres/partnership and other cohort based models (e.g. ITNs)

Workshop Outcomes:

  • Workshop participants will gain insight into UoB’s approach to Doctoral Training Partnership researcher development
  • Workshop participants will gain knowledge of public engagement training and distance learning researcher development at UoB
  • The interactive exercises enabled workshop participants to share best practice in public engagement and distance learning researcher development

Format: Presentation