A2 - The Training Game

Day 1 at 15:20 - Nearly all universities will now have in place some format of training programme for their researchers, both staff and students. The Research Development Framework, Doctoral Training Centre initiatives, and the amended QAA code all underpin the importance of such training being integral to the research experience. But how easy is it to achieve buy in? How do we market the availability of such training in such a way that all can relate to it, access it, and participate? What if we don’t use the RDF Planner? What if our training is delivered from multiple sources within the organisation? How and where do we link up our resources in innovative and appealing ways?

This session will give participants the opportunity to review their training model and assess and evaluate the power of its attraction. Looking particularly at research staff - from early career researcher to professor – participants will be asked to team work and share ideas in order to develop different ways of re-package training/skills programmes in innovate and eye catching formats that might improve attendance and access, and have more meaning for the stakeholders. The session will also profile one approach that UCLan have developed as a response to the challenges above. All welcome!

Presentation from Workshop A2

Day Day 1
Session A
Start time 15:20
Strand Postgraduate research
Code A2

Emma Sandon-Hesketh  - Research Development Manager, University of Central Lancashire

Workshop topics covered:

  • Scanning the training horizon
  • Forming the Gaming Group
  • Collecting the training
  • Consolidating themes
  • Identifying opportunities for collaborative working
  • Marketing the training - engaging the stakeholder
  • Web Platforms and their usefulness to date
  • Combined approaches - real, virtual, app
  • Feedback and evaluation to date"

Themes covered

New approaches to enabling researchers to reach their potential and make powerful career choices

Workshop outcomes:

Participants will gain an understanding of one institutions approach to:

  • identifying and consolidating multiple training streams
  • customer needs analaysis with researchers
  • collaborative working in-house for custom design training system
  • developing and testing, and testing, and testing and re-testing ...!
  • managing the challenges along the way
  • taking it to the next level - Website and App training developments more.