C8 - Peer supported learning for researcher development

Day 2 at 11:00 - This session will discuss different schemes currently used at three UK Universities:

The Research Mentoring Initiative (RMI) to support Art & Design researchers’ professional development at Birmingham City University;

Two cohort based development schemes, the EU Academic Development Scheme (EUADS) and the Grants Academy at Bournemouth University;

Peer supported experiential training opportunities using naturally occurring opportunities within Higher Education at the University of Nottingham.
Day Day 2
Session C
Start time 11.00
Strand Postgraduate Research and Research staff
Code C8

Chair - Anne Goodman - Vitae South West and Wales Hub Manager

Dr Anne Boultwood - Reader in the Psychology of Fashion, Birmingham City University

Parmjit Dhugga - Head of Researcher Development, University of Nottingham       

Jo Garrad - Funding Development Manager, Bournemouth University

Jennifer Roddis - Research Facilitator, Bournemouth University 

Emily Cieciura - Research Facilitator, Bournemouth University   

Dr Sian Vaughan - Senior Research Fellow and Keeper of Archives, Birmingham City University        

Dr Jacqueline Taylor - Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Birmingham City University               

Dr Victoria Sedman - Researcher Training and Development Manager, Graduate School, University of Nottingham

We will outline these schemes, their benefits and challenges, drawing attention to the myriad modes of support that peer supported learning can provide for researchers. In doing so, this session will share how universities can holistically assist researchers both in their career development through for example, developing researchers’ skills needed in both academia and industry alongside personal support and how developmental communities can best support researchers. We anticipate that drawing on a range of approaches and disciplines will facilitate lively discussion, offering delegates an important opportunity to share their experience of similar schemes and discuss the relevance of the approach to their own subject disciplines.

List of topics covered:

  • An overview of current peer supported learning approaches utilised at different HEIs;
  • Details of the aims, challenges and successes of each approach;
  • An understanding of contrasting peer supported learning approaches including research mentoring, utilising the cohort and experiential training opportunities;
  • Facilitated discussion sharing and evaluating other models of implementation that currently exist.

Workshop outcomes:
Participants will have:

  • An understanding of the fundamental requirements for peer supported development initiatives and novel ways that these have been put into practice;
  • A greater awareness of the advantages and challenges of scope and implementation with these approaches;
  • A chance to discuss a variety of implementation models used by different HEIs in researcher development programmes;
  • An opportunity to create a network of engaged staff who can support each
  • other and collaborate to implement initiatives in their own universities.

Format: Three 15 minute presentations and facilitated group discussion
The workshop will address the following conference theme: New approaches to
enabling researchers to reach their potential and make powerful career choices
te ‘interactive’ workshop addressing area of practice in researcher