D8 - Achieving a step change in the career development provision for research staff

Day 2 at 13:45 - In this workshop we will consider the challenges and needs of research staff in their career development. We will present an overview of the current sector career development provision for research staff and look at the new resources developed by Vitae to support a step change in provision across the sector. The Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF) will be used as a reference point for surveying the current and new provision. This will allow us to establish what our areas of strength are, identify areas where we could do more, and highlight areas of good practice.

Participants will gain an up-to-date insight into sector provision, and be invited to benchmark their own institutional provision for research staff.

The workshop will conclude with the opportunity to create a personal action plan and recommendations for Vitae in continuing to support the career development of research staff.

Presentation from Workshop D8


Day Day 2
Session D
Start time 13:45
Strand Research staff
Code D8

Dr Sarah Robins-Hobden - Vitae SE Hub Manager, Vitae

Dr Katie Wheat - Project Manager, Vitae          

Gill Johnston - Vitae SE Hub Coordinator, Vitae

Topics covered:

  • What do research staff need from their career development?
  • What is the current sector provision for research staff?
  • What does your own institutional provision look like?
  • What new resources are available from Vitae to support research staff?
  • How can we take this forward to the benefit of research staff?

Themes covered:


  • New approaches to enabling researchers to reach their potential and make powerful career choices
  • Leadership development for researchers


Participants will have the opportunity to:

  • define the major challenges and opportunities in the career development of research staff
  • gain insights into the career development provision for research staff in their own institution and across the sector
  • contribute to a recommended action plan for Vitae’s further work in this area