A1 - Supporting widening participation students in their transitions onto postgraduate and research study

Day 1 at 15:20 - In this workshop we are inviting participants to focus their attention on students from a Widening Participation background who continue their academic career in research (or who for a variety of reasons are unable or unwilling to do so). In particular, we would like to explore the motivations and barriers that frame the transitions of these students onto postgraduate study, and, consequently, how we can support these transitions.

We will be building on the messages recently identified in the HEFCE policy document (HEFCE, 2013*; see also Universities UK blog**) and HEA research***, both of which shed light on the reasons behind low participation rates in postgraduate programmes amongst non-traditional students and gaps in provision for the latter.

Presentation from Workshop A1


Day 1
Session A
Start time 15:20
Strand Postgraduate Research
Code A1

Steve Kendall - Associate Dean - Director, Widening Participation / Professional and Academic Development Advisor

Maria Kukhareva  - Professional and Academic Development Advisor, University of Bedfordshire


As a university with a strong commitment to Widening Participation, we would like to start a discussion around establishing specific mechanisms that have a positive impact on the progress of non-traditional students beyond undergraduate qualification and into research. In particular, we will explore holistic approaches that promote excellence and a sense of belonging, as well as enhance students' scholarly expertise and sense of agency.

* HEFCE (2013) Trends in transition from first degree to postgraduate study: Qualifiers between 2002-03 and 2010-11, Issues report

** Winskowski, N. (2013) Fixing the "broken bridge" to postgraduate study, Universities UK blog, 4 July

 *** Stuart, M., Lido, C., Morgan, S., Solomon, L. and Akroyd, K. (2008) Widening participation to postgraduate study: decisions, deterrents and creating success, HEA

Workshop topics covered:

  • Policy developments relating to doctoral education and employing researchers
  • Developing a pipeline of research talent, including widening participation issues and the strategies to attract the best candidates into research degrees

Themes covered:

New approaches to enabling researchers to reach their potential and make powerful career choices

Developing a pipeline of research talent, including widening participation issues and the strategies to attract the best candidates into research degrees

Workshop outcomes:

  • build on the recent "fixing a broken bridge" messages in policy and research with regards to insufficient support for non-traditional students who have the potential to become promising researchers
  • explore barriers and motivations that affect widening participation
  • actions for researcher developers