Vitae Researcher Development International Conference 2015
A Vitae event
Manchester, Tuesday 08 September - Wednesday 09 September 2015
Thanks to everyone - participants, contributors and organisers - who made the 2015 conference such a sucess. We look forward to seeing you next year!
The established annual Vitae Researcher Development International Conference is the largest dedicated event that brings together all those with a strategic and practical role in developing researchers.
View all plenary and workshop sessions. Slides are available online to conference participants and Vitae members.
Conference themes
The conference addressed the strategic and practical implications of the following themes:
- policy developments relating to doctoral education and employing researchers
- building institutional capacity for researchers' professional development to maintain research excellence
- demonstrating the value of researcher development on research outputs, researcher careers, economic prosperity and society
- sustainable practice to support researcher skills, professional and career development.
Participants at the conference:
- explored the political context for researcher development
- discussed strategic and practical ways of sustaining professional and career development for research staff and postgraduate researchers
- had access to the latest policy information and research
- shared ideas and practice with a network of colleagues who have a stake in developing researchers.
The 2015 conference explored:
- The increasing importance of researcher career development within the European Research Area – European Commission
- Emerging data on the career paths and experiences of doctoral graduates and postdoctoral researchers in the US – National Science Foundation
- The growth of open research and the implications for developing researchers for this future
- Latest developments on the support and funding for UK doctoral education – HEFCE.
The conference also featured:
- UK aggregate results from the Careers in Research Online Survey (CROS) 2015 exploring the views and experiences of research staff employed in universities
- UK aggregate results from the Principal Investigators Research Leaders Survey (PIRLS) 2015 exploring the views of those who manage research staff in universities
- Results of the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) 2015 exploring the views and experiences of doctoral researchers in UK universities
- The final of the Vitae 3 Minute Thesis competition. Congratulations to Zaid Janjua of Nottingham University who won the RCUK and NCCPE sponsored prize of £3000!
- Additional speakers included Karina Prasad, Head of Office, Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, University of Cambridge; Dr Miguel Jorge, Lecturer, University of Strathclyde and Voice of Researchers, Professor Tristram Hooley, Professor of Careers Education, Head of ICeGS, University of Derby. See the programme and workshops list for further contributors.
Previous conference participants said:
"The conference was a great experience. I enjoyed meeting some very interesting people, the interest in our work was very encouraging and is opening up new networks and opportunities."
"This conference was much more than I expected, THANK YOU!"
"It was an inspiring event!"
"Excellent - I enjoyed it very much and most importantly - I learned I am not alone and we are all facing the same challenges!"