SISA3 - Making online programmes work for researchers - A blended approach

Day 1 at 17:30
In 2013, University College Cork gained the HRS4R in recognition of the University's on-going commitment to adopting the principles of The European Charter for Researchers and a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. This commitment is echoed in the University's Research Strategy.

Epigeum is a leading publisher of on-line courses. In line with UCC's mission to prioritise the delivery of staff development programmes for Researchers, UCC engaged with the Epigeum development group to develop Professional Skills for Research Leaders (PSRL).

PSRL is an online programme designed to help individual researchers enhance their approach to leadership, management and engagement. It will enable participants to identify a range of strategies and opportunities to establish themselves as research leaders, from writing compelling and competitive funding applications to managing relationships with team members and collaborators.

The course delivers high quality, accessible training which is complemented by six practical workshops facilitated by in-house trainers and expert guests. As a transferrable qualification is desirable to participants, UCC achieved ILM endorsement of the programme which is critical to its success.
Day Day 1
Session Special Interest
Start time 17.30
Code SISA3

Mary O'Regan, Research Advisor to Human Resources, University College Cork

Dr Maeve Lankford, Manager Staff Welfare and Development, University College Cork
